Unlock the Power of Self-Love: Mindset Coach Sal Holden Shares Life-Changing Insights

Hey there, friends! I’m so grateful you’re joining me for Episode 87 of the Hard Beautiful Journey podcast. Today, I’m sitting down with someone truly special—my friend, Sal Holden. She’s not just an international transformational mindset coach, but also a kinesiologist, life coach, and author of the book A Joyful Life: Align Your Heart, Speak Your Truth, Embrace Your Freedom. With over 13 years of experience, Sal has helped thousands of women across the globe transform their lives. And let me tell you, she’s as inspiring as they come!
Sal and I first connected through a book-writing journey, and now here we are, both authors, sharing our stories and supporting each other along the way. I’m so excited to share our conversation with you because, honestly, Sal’s energy and wisdom are next level. She talks about self-love, healing, and the beauty of stepping into your authentic self, even when life gets hard.
One thing that stuck with me during our chat is when Sal said, “When I love me, I set everyone free.” That hit home, right? It’s a beautiful reminder that when we show ourselves love and compassion, we stop needing others to fill that void. We become whole. We become empowered. And guess what? We start attracting the right kind of people and experiences into our lives.
In this episode, we also dive into how her spirituality and healing journey started, what it means to live a joyful life, and the surprising truth about fear and courage. Oh, and we totally geek out over her book, which, FYI, I’ve dog-eared more than any other book I own!
So, grab a coffee, settle in, and give this episode a listen. Whether you’re on your own healing journey, looking for a mindset shift, or just need a dose of inspiration, I promise you’ll walk away with so many takeaways.
Key Highlights:
- The importance of self-love and its impact on every area of your life.
- Sal’s journey from struggling with self-worth to becoming an empowered life coach.
- How spirituality and healing often stem from the most difficult life moments.
- A peek into her book A Joyful Life, and why I couldn’t put it down.
- Why it’s okay to not have everything figured out, as long as you’re staying true to your heart.
Powerful Quote from the Episode: "When I love me, I set everyone free." – Sal Holden
Give it a listen and let me know what resonates most with you! If Sal’s story touched you like it did me, you can grab her book on Amazon and Audible!
Love Tiff xx