EP 29 - The Story Behind Won’t Let You Fall - with Leah Campbell

Have you ever heard a song and it stops you in your tracks? Or makes you smile, or cry, or feel all the feelings with every single word?
One day I was sitting at work, listening to Spotify like I usually do and this song came on - it was like the air was sucked out of the room, and all the everyday sounds of working in an office went away and all I could hear was this song. And I got the chills so I knew my peeps above were telling me to pay attention. And I did.
The song I am talking about is “Won’t Let You Fall” by Leah Campbell. It was like the song was written for my podcast. I followed the additional nudges I was given to reach out to Leah and ask her if I could license the song from her to use on some of my podcast episodes. And she so graciously said YES!
It was only after I reached out to her that I discovered the meaning behind the song. Leah is here to talk to me today about that story and I’m so grateful.
Check her out here!
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