Today I welcome Charlene Madden, who admittedly spent most of her life living in a state of darkness. **A gentle warning, this episode discusses suicide. If you are feeling vulnerable in this area, please consult with a docto...
This episode has been a LONG time coming. I did something that went against my intuition in regards to social media. And it was the catalyst for me deciding to take an extended break from all social media platforms. Find o...
Have you ever met someone and you walk away from the conversation you've had a bit stunned, and a whole lot relieved? Those are the emotions I had after having a recent reading with my next guest. Jennie Ogilvie is here tod...
Troy Colmer, founder of Sober Athletic Wear, joins us to share his story of addiction and recovery. Learn more about how Troy is helping others who are struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Find Troy at soberath...
I am so thrilled to welcome Mike Duffy to my podcast. Mike is an author, philanthropist and founder of the Happiness Hall of Fame. The Happiness Hall Of Fame is a non-profit that recognizes special people that have advanced...
One of my biggest life lessons I am working on is patience….well, patience has paid off in this case because I finally had the opportunity to sit down with one of the members of Our Collective Journey, also known as OCJ. My ...
Today's guest is Preston Zeller and I'm really excited for you to meet him and hear his story! As a creative person, I was immediately interested in learning more about his grief journey. And what I found out about his story,...
Losing a loved one is beyond's excruciating. My big brother Cory passed away on October 27, 2021. This episode is about life after this devastating loss and what the grief journey is looking like for myself and ...